짐바브웨 현직 대통령 자녀 MDIS 웨일즈대학교 석사졸업 > 유학후기

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짐바브웨 현직 대통령 자녀 MDIS 웨일즈대학교 석사졸업

페이지 정보

작성자 신세기 댓글 0건 조회 9,447회 작성일 13-11-25 00:00


Daughter of Zimbabwe president graduates from MDIS

짐바브웨  로버트 무가베 현직 대통령인 자녀가 지난 11월 16일에  MDIS 웨일즈석사과정을 졸업하였습니다.
이는 싱가폴내에서는 큰 뉴스로써 뉴스아시아채널을 통해 크게 보도 되었습니다.
Bona Mugabe는  24세로써 Master of Science in Banking과정을 이수하였고  부모님과 오빠가 졸업식 함게 참석하였습니다.  그녀는 홍콩에서 Accounting and Finance 학사과정을 마친후에 싱가폴을 석사과정을 진학하였습니다. 
MDIS는 지난 3년간 아프리카에서 온  학생수가 5배이상 증가하였하였으며,
이는 MDIS의 짐바브웨 뿐만 아니라 아프리카 학생들도 점차적으로  증가하는 범아시아적인지도의 학교임을 알수있는 단적인 예라고 할 수 있습니다. 


Bona Mugabe, daughter of Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, is one of the growing number of African students enrolled at MDIS.

SINGAPORE: A growing number of African students are enrolled at the Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS).

One of them who graduated on Saturday is the daughter of Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe.

Bona Mugabe, 24, graduated with a Master of Science in Banking. The programme is affiliated with the University of Wales in the United Kingdom.

Her parents and brothers were in Singapore to witness the graduation of the family's eldest child and only daughter.

Ms Mugabe did her undergraduate degree in Accounting and Finance in Hong Kong, and chose to complete her Masters in Singapore.

She is one of the growing numbers of African students studying at MDIS. MDIS said that in the last three years, the number of those who have enrolled has risen by more than five times.

MDIS Secretary General Dr R Theyvendran said: "Since Singapore is becoming a hub for education in the region, we've already attracted students from 78 countries, and Africa is a very good area since the people are more interested in developing themselves.

“GDP has grown by five per cent, and will be growing to more than 10 per cent, which will give a lot of people the wealth to come here to study."

Zimbabwe President Mugabe said: "We know the students here are very highly competitive. Education here is taken very seriously by the government. The fact that our daughter managed to do a degree here has opened our eyes much more.

“We have been sending students to various countries, mainly Africa, America, Malaysia and Thailand. But a few have been coming here sponsored by the government (in Singapore), but very few. But now we are going to sponsor ourselves, going to sponsor some students especially to MDIS to do management."

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